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发布日期:2022-04-25 11:01:06浏览次数: 881

当前我市新冠疫情防控形势严峻复杂,为回应社会关切,助力尽快打赢疫情防控攻坚战,市人社局根据上级有关规定,研究梳理了人社领域热点政策、经办问答,努力做到人社政策宣传不停歇,业务经办不止步,公共服务不打烊。 In order to respond to social concerns and help win the campaign of prevention and control against epidemic as soon as possible, Suzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the higher authorities, has studied and sorted out popular policies and practical Q&A in the field of human resources and social security, so as to try our best to promote the human resources and social security policies without stopping, to continue business operations and public services